
Friday, January 07, 2005

Mind Control Grab Bag

So the wife and I finally sat down to watch the 2004 remake of The Manchurian Candidate. Eh... it was decent, but it definitely had short comings. I haven't seen the original (due from Netflix today) but everything I've read indicates the remake doesn't measure up. The whole plot point dealing with mind control is intriguing though. Mind control, brainwashing, and mechanincal implants, it's all fascinating to me. Here's a couple of songs that popped into my head after viewing the film:

Gang Of Four - Armalite Rifle.mp3
I was shocked to hear a snippet of "Armalite Rifle" playing in the opening scenes of of The Manchurian Candidate. I had to check, and yep, there it was. Interesting. Originally from their debut single.

Lard - Can God Fill Teeth?.mp3
The Jello and Jourgansen show. Here Biafra "plays" a raving, paranoid lunatic ranting about conspiracies and plots. A stretch for him, I'm sure. From 1990's The Last Temptation of Reid

Catholic Boys - Psychic Voodoo Mind Control.mp3
The master plan for fucking someone up. This is the title track of this Wisconsin band's 2004 debut LP.

Von Zippers - I'm Bugged.mp3
Is that East Bay Ray playing guitar? No, but it sure sounds like it which ain't a bad thing. From 2000's Blitzhacker